Artists|August 21, 2015 09:53 EDT
Rend Collective's 'As a Family We Go' Mixes Heartfelt Ballads with Impactful Corporate Worship That Highlights Band's Artistry [REVIEW]
Today Rend Collective released their new album As a Family We Go, and BREATHEcast had the chance to review the wonderful worship album that also includes hit single "You Will Never Run."
The album kicks off with the energetic "Celebrate" and the appropriately named song sounds like a big worship party that exclaims the name of God. "Sing it out loud, sing it out strong...celebrate, shout it from the mountain top" and proclaim how the great the Lord is.
"Free as a Bird" focuses on the freedom of Christ and knowing that His love cannot be contained for his children. It is more driving and less energetic than the first tune but the high tempo and group atmosphere of the song is still there.
"You Will Never Run" opens up with a wonderful harmony that moves into a full sound of the band. The song is filled with fiddles bursts, hand claps, and like the previous track drives full force. Watch the music video here.
The next track, "Every Giant Will Fall" has a huge sound that encompasses a giant arena of worshippers singing. "Nothing is impossible with You" is the message of the song as Rend Collective continues to exalt and magnify the name of Christ.
"One and Only" is the first ballad of the album and the pretty intricate singing along with the piano and airy instrumentals brings the listener into a place of worship. It is an all out love song to God.
Rend Collective bring out a little bit of their Irish folk roots in "Joy of the Lord." There appears to be bagpipes, banjo, and an aura of community in the song. It uplifts the spirits with powerful lyrics such as "the joy of the Lord is my strength."

"Never Walk Alone" is another one of the album's ballads. The real stand out of this track is the piano that takes precise prominence over the orchestral arrangements and sweet guitar chords. God will never abandon us and have us walk alone. The band paints the picture of this with this stunning track.
"Your Royal Blood" is one of the best tracks on the album. There is a complete choir, a bluesy guitar riffing out, and hints of horns and an organ. The build toward the end of the song is great and adds to the theme of Jesus' royalty. His royal blood has healed and changed the course of our lives. From there the song opens up into a Sunday morning southern gospel service.
Up next is "Just a Glimpse" and it dually does just that. "Just a glimpse of You sets my soul on fire forever/ Just a taste of You, and my world's alive with wonder/ Just one touch of You fills my heartbeat without measure."
With banjo and steady finger snaps, Rend Collective makes the listeners feel like they are "Coming Home." They add handclaps, tambourines, and increase the folky feel while layering on the other instruments. Then on comes the calming choir section that once again has them singing to God in anticipation of coming home to Him.
"The Artist" kicks it back up a notch with some opening ripping guitar chords. The song is at a furious pace, and brings back the intensity showcased earlier on in the album before taking it back a notch to an open chorus. The use the imagery of Jesus as a painter who makes our lives "bright and colorful."
"Ireland's Call" welcomes back the Irish pride. In this song they sing about unity of their country standing together in unison for God. They describe the "rugged hills" and provinces of Ireland bringing the people "shoulder to shoulder" to answer "the call." Musically, it sounds like they are soaring through the mountains and really captures the exact feel of the song.
Bonus tracks include remixes of "You Will Never Run," "One and Only," and "Every Giant Will Fall." However, one track that isn't a remix is "Never Weigh Me Down." This track is a quiet gem thrown in toward the end that features vocals and an acoustic guitar. The lead singer is at his absolute best and vulnerable on this track and it would have been an absolute sin if this song didn't make the album.
Overall Rend Collective's As a Family We Go contains large anthemic corporate worship songs that are sure to find their way into conferences and large churches on Sundays. The quieter tunes and ballads serve as wonderful intimate sessions with God. Thematically the album focuses on the might and wonder of God while reminding the listeners not give up on His glory because we are not alone.
Rend Collective carry the mark of serious and powerful worshippers with a heart and ear for detailed multifaceted music. Their artistry shines through the music just as bright as their lyrics proclaim God's greatness.
Watch our interview with Rend Collective below:
Pick up the album today on iTunes.