Pregnant Christian Woman in Sudan Allowed to Appeal 100 Lashes and Death Sentence By Hanging

Following huge pressure and negative attention from international human rights organizations, a Sudanese court may now allow Meriam Yahia Ibrahim to appeal the 100 lashes and death sentence via hanging ruling handed down to her as a result of her Christian faith.

Ibrahim is an 8 months pregnant Christian woman imprisoned after being accused of "apostasy" because since she has a father who is a Sudanese Muslim. As a result she is considered a Muslim under the nation's Islamic Shariah Law despite never practicing the faith, as she grew up with her Christian mother.

"I was never a Muslim," testified Ibrahim. "I was raised a Christian from the start."  

In addition, the 27-year-old woman was also charged with "adultery" because the Islamic court refused to recognize her marriage to Christian husband Dr. Daniel Wani.

"We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam. I sentence you to be hanged," Judge Al-Khalifa said to Ibrahim in the original judgment.

Her husband, Wani, left his home in Manchester, New Hampshire to fly to Sudan in the hope of saving his wife, who is currently detained with their 20 month old son, Martin.

"I was considered innocent and the marriage revoked - the revoking of this marriage means that my son is no longer my son and the one coming is not my son too, will not be my son - so this innocence means nothing and I will appeal for myself and I will appeal for my wife," said Wani to Reuters.

"Martin [my son] and my wife, they are all in prison and she is pregnant - she could give birth at any time, from today to 1st of June, she may give birth. I am afraid that being in prison is dangerous for her so if they would allow me to take her to the hospital that she delivered Martin in - even if it was under the watch of security guards, I would be thankful."

Daniel Wani first moved to America with his brother Gabriel when they left the African nation to avoid further religious persecution back in 1998. Wani has been a US citizen living in New Hampshire since 2005. He returned to his native country in 2003 to bring his family to the US live with him, but he has not been allowed to visit his family in prison or help with their 20-month-old son, because he is a Christian. Appeals for Meriam to be moved to a private hospital for the birth of their unborn child have been rejected.

"I'm just praying for God. He can do a miracle. Everyone is depressed. You don't believe it. It's shock," said Gabriel Wani, according to Union Leader.