Events|October 17, 2014 03:23 EDT
Hillsong Conference 2014 Day 1 Recap: Pastor Brian Houston Encourages Church to be 'Lean Mean Kingdom Machines' [PICTURES]
Last night marked the beginning of the Hillsong Conference NYC 2014, and BREATHEcast was there to cover the event along with tonight and Saturday.
The conference started off with a question, "What is the Measure of a Man's Greatness?" It was this question that would be answered throughout the night.
The opening skit featured God and an astronaut. The astronaut floated in the air above the stage while the screen turned the background into space and the moon landing.
Then God posed the opening question again, and everyone cheered and the music began. An orchestra played violins and the choir sang. The young team of Hillsong United consisting of Taya Smith, Joel Houston, and all the rest were left standing there.

Worship began with well known songs such as: "Cornerstone," "Amazing Grace," "I Stand," and "Oceans." The sons were played to a very mixed and sold out crowd that was heavily engaged in worship.
Hillsong's pastor, Brian Houston came out and prayed that everyone in attendance would be impacted and that the pastors would be refreshed. Then his son Ben, along with Carl and Laura Lentz, came out and gave a brief word.
It was then that a Compassion International promo was shown, and Hillsong announced they support 30 to 40 thousand children. People from the audience then volunteered to support children as well.
"We're not praying for a conference, we're praying for a move of God," Lentz said before reintroducing Brian Houston. The title of the message was "My Faith, My Strength."
"I love being around people who have strong robust muscular faith," he said. He preached that while Hillsong is prosperous there were many kings they had to overcome. He spoke on the 31 kings Joshua had to defeat before being fully blessed by God. "I can tell you right now over the years we had to overcome some very big kings."
Brian encouraged everyone to build on God's righteousness. "I can't get over how preachers turn this book (Bible) into a negative book," he taught, "It's the most Faithful positive book there is."
He continued, "Serve God over a lifetime, have the guts to keep going."
Brian then talked about wishing he had the courage of the "Sausage Dog." (WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW)
"We're not taught to run from the devil, he's supposed to run from us" like the lion from the dog.
Brian said the body of Christ needs to be a "lean mean kingdom machine" and dropped down to do 20 pushups after saying he was 60-years-old.
"I love the inclusiveness of the gospel, there is no exclusiveness in the gospel," he said.
The message overall served to encourage believers to have faith to obtain good things for their life. It was a simple inspirational message and very self-help driven. People were led in the sinner's prayer and then Hillsong did the song "Wake Within Me" which had everyone jumping up and down.

More coverage on the event coming, stay tuned!