'Dragon Age: Origins' Free Game Download, 'Dragon Age: Inquisition' Release Date Latest

Developer BioWare is gearing up to release its latest addition to the 'Dragon Age' franchise on November 18, with its upcoming game entitled 'Dragon Age: Inquisition'. In light of that, the developers have allowed for the free download of their 'Dragon Age: Origins' title via EA's Origin client.

Gamers who download a copy of the game to their Origin library will be able to keep the game permanently. However, there's a cutoff date for the free download, October 14. Gamers would be wise to download the game even if they don't intend to play it right away.

While 'Dragon Age: Origins' is a single-player title, it may still ask you to log in before you can enjoy the game. However, the announcement about the free download put any concerns about that to rest.

The official post reads, "You don't need to log into 'Dragon Age: Origins' to enjoy the single-player quest; if you see any messages asking you to when you start the game, just skip them, and you'll be good to go!"

Evidently this is a promotional move of theirs to hype the upcoming addition to the series. The post went on to mention that 'Dragon Age: Inquisition' is now available for pre-order, as it's drawing near its release date.

The upcoming title will mark the third game in the franchise, and it's getting a lot of attention. Based on the reviews of 'Dragon Age: Origins', odds are many gamers are looking forward to picking up a copy of the new one.

'Dragon Age: Origins' received some pretty good reviews across the board. Most big name gaming sites gave the title a score above the 80 percentile mark. Some even went as far as to give the game an overall review higher than 95 percent.

With that said, downloading the 2009 game for free before its too late is probably a wise decision for the multi-genre gamer.

Most of the comments on the announcement portrayed the same sentiments about the 'Dragon Age: Origins' as the aforementioned reviews.

One user posted, "One of the best games that I've ever played, thank you :)", while another said, "One of the best games. :) will surely buy inquisition."

On a side note, fans of the series should know that 'Dragon Age: Inquisition' will incorporate both a single-player aspect, as well as a multi-player one. Only time will tell if BioWare's decision to take the game there will pay off for them or not.