Apple iWatch Release Date, Details: Tim Cook Shares Details on Apple's First Wearable Device - Easy Battery Charging System

Apple CEO Tim Cook spoke at the WSJD Live Conference in Laguna Bay, California on October 27, where he revealed details about some new devices like the Apple Watch.

Cook said he was particularly "excited" by Apple Watch, which has a scheduled release date in early 2015. He added that he was impressed that Jonathan Ive and his team realized "something you wear has to be personal" and that it can't be "geeky."

Cook mentioned that he believes that people will use the watch so much so that the battery will need to be charged every day. He did not mention a specific life span for the battery, though.

Early reports indicated that Apple was having problems getting it to last longer than a day. The company was aiming for a battery that went three or four days between charges; it now looks as if the watch's battery has the same life span as that of an iPhone, which means it will need to be charged every night. Consequently, the watch was designed with an easy charging system.

The Apple Watch connects to a magnetic charger similar to the MagSafe chargers sold with the Mac. The connector attaches to the back of the watch. Luxury versions of the watch come in a box that doubles as a charging stand.

The Apple Watch will come with a variety of features. Travelers will like a watch that sets itself when changing time zones. Similarly, the watch sets itself when daylight savings time begins or ends. It will come in three main styles, including a sporty one, and have a range of clock faces the user can change. It can be used for a variety of functions, like accessing stock quotes or weather updates.