Apple iWatch Release Date Latest News: Cupertino Tech Titan Postpones Launch to Spring 2015, Battery- Still a Problem

Apple CEO Tim Cook announced two months ago that his company would be launching its first wearable device, the Apple Watch, but currently, there is no precise information regarding the release date of the gadget. However, a recently leaked video suggests that the Apple Watch will arrive in Spring next year.

Citing the insider information they've obtained, tech website 9to5mac reported that Apple Senior Vice President of Retail and Online Stores Angela Ahrendts has confirmed in a video message that the Wath will be available in the market will in spring - some months later than reports had speculated earlier.

The report quotes Ahrendts saying, "We're going into the holidays, we'll go into Chinese New Year, and then we've got a new watch launch coming in the spring."

Before this information was leaked, there were rumors that the Apple Watch will be available in the retail stores in early 2015, coinciding with the Valentine's Day. However, Spring arrived only sometime around March 20. This probably suggests that Apple has been facing delays and, hence, will not be able to release the device on the earlier mentioned date.

Some reports claim that the delay in manufacturing the new parts of the Apple Watch could be responsible for postponing the release date of the device.

Referring to the delay, Brian Colello, an analyst with Morningstar, said, "Missing the holiday season was the key deadline that Apple wasn't able to hit this year, Apple's disclosure that the watch will come out in the spring is far less important to us."

On the other hand, the delay may possibly also indicate that Apple Inc. is employing a sales strategy to prepare for the hectic months ahead, when the company plans to release other new product lines.

Apart from the uncertainty over the precise release date of the Apple Watch, the company has also kept the consumers in the dark about the battery life of the upcoming device till Cook revealed during a talk that Apple Watch owners may be required to charge the battery daily. Many are of the view that by saying this, Cook may possibly have confirmed the concerns related to the poor battery life of the Apple Watch.

In fact, this may eventually have a negative effect on the Apple Watch sale. The device will reportedly sell for just about $349 for a basic Sports edition and be priced at $5,000 for the Gold edition.