Phaedra Parks Misses Apollo Nida Trial - RHOA Latest News

'Real Housewives of Atlanta' star Phaedra Parks has missed the trial of her husband Apollo Nida. While the attorney wife seemed too busy to be at the most severe trial of her husband's life, some say she was just too upset to show.

While Nida has been sentenced to eight years behind bars, Phaedra was not even seen at Nida's fraud court case. This has led rumors to conclude that the two are on the brink of a split, and Parks has already managed a deal with Bravo to document the entire ordeal.

The father of Phaedra's two little boys has gone to jail for the third time. The outcome of the trial is lighter than the expected, which was though to result in 30 years in prison for stealing the identities of over 50 people and for laundering $2.3 million, a major sum.

On the other hand, Apollo Nida's partner escaped with just 5 years, much less than the estimated amount of jail time.

Apollo Nida was earlier convicted and sent to jail for 18 years starting July 28, 2004 for racketeering. After nearly five years, he was paroled out. He has also served 5 months in December 1998 to May 1999 for theft and receiving stolen goods. Parks has defended her husband in the past, but it seems like that part of her life is over with.