'Power Rangers' Movie Reboot Release Date & Cast News: Film Set for Premiere in 2016

It's morphin' time, Power Ranger fans! Last time we saw those suited-up superheroes was 1995, but the White, Black, Pink, Blue and Yellow fighters are almost impossible to forget. It seems that audiences of 2015 feel the same way as the audience of 1995, and there has been quiet pushing for a 'Power Rangers Movie' to bring the heroes into the new decade.

Lionsgate Films worked with Saban Entertainment to appease their Power Ranger-loving fans. Jason David Frank, the actor who plays the Green Ranger in the 1990s Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers show, has confirmed that filming will officially start for the premiere of Power Rangers this year.

The Power Rangers franchise was announced in August of 2014, but after original producer Roberto Orci left the project, fans wondered if the movie would ever make the theaters. Despite multiple complications, Frank claimed that the film will release in July of 2016, as planned.

"The movie is definitely set for this year," Frank said in an interview with Comic Book, "Everything is in place."

Frank wasn't able to share a lot of details besides the release dates although he has admitted to being greatly devoted to the series. He hasn't even admitted to knowing which role he has, although fans of the original series would love to see him don his green mask once again. "I email Saban and ask them kind of what you're asking me, but they do feel that I'm going to be part of it, because they feel there's no movie, at least, without me," he commented.

Besides Frank, none of the original cast members have stepped forward to talk about their part in the new franchise film.