GTA 5 Cheats and Codes PS3, Xbox 360: Gain Invincibility- Latest 'GTA V' Ultimate Cheats

'Grand Theft Auto V' have something else to venture into besides 'GTA Online', as a new set of "ulimate" cheats have been posted.

While players await the PC, PS4, and Xbox One port of the popular Rockstar title, gamers can stretch the boundaries of their single player campaigns on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

On a side note, the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game will be release on November 18, while the PC port will launch January 27, 2015.

The following cheats can be used on both consoles once the game is paused.

Players can simiply enter into the button combiniation to achieve whatever buff or ability they've chosen to input. A confirmation will appear on the screen if the cheat was entered in correctly.

Additionally, Xbox 360 users will not have their cheats save in the 'GTA 5', so they will need to re-enter the cheats everytime they restart their game.

Here is the list of the newly discovered GTA 5 cheats:

To give out weapons and extra ammunition:


To enable 'super jump':

Left(2)--Y(2)--Right(2)--Left, Right--X--RB--RT and then Hold X to execute

To enable 'Super Speed':


To get a faster 'Swim Speed':


To instantly get full health and acquire shield:


To instantly decrease your wanted level:


To get your wanted level to +1:


To instantly recharge your special ability:


And finally, to gain the highly coveted invincibility:


It's important to note that invincibility only lasts for five minutes, after that, the player will have to wait five minutes before they can punch the cheat in again. Also, the invicibility cheat does not work while players are in vehicles.