Upcoming Marvel Movie Lineup & Release Date List: 'Thor: Ragnarok', 'Inhumans', 'Avengers: Infinity War' & More

On Tuesday, Marvel Cinematic Universe announced the list of its upcoming film projects at a special event at the El Capitan Theater, which was attended by major film-making partners. It was confirmed that a number of highly anticipated movies, including 'Black Panther', 'Doctor Strange', 'Captain Marvel' and 'Inhumans' will be featuring in the Phase Three wave of Marvel's comic-book blockbusters.

The release dates of the movies that comprise Phase Three were announced by Marvel's movie chief Kevin Feige. The key release dates are as follows;

  •  May 6, 2016: 'Captain America: Civil War'
  •  Nov. 4, 2016: 'Doctor Strange'
  •  May 5, 2017: 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2'
  •  July 28, 2017: 'Thor: Ragnarok'
  •  Nov. 3, 2017: 'Black Panther'
  •  May 4, 2018: 'Avengers: Infinity War Part I'
  •  July 6, 2018: 'Captain Marvel'
  •  Nov. 2, 2018: 'Inhumans'
  •  May 3, 2019: 'Avengers: Infinity War Part II'

Actor Chadwick Boseman will be portraying the character of Black Panther. Earlier, he was highly acclaimed for his roles as Jackie Robinson and James Brown in his other films.

At the conclusion of the presentation, Chadwick Boseman joined other top actors of Marvel fraternity, including Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans on stage.

Downey Jr. and Chris Evans teased about their supposed rivalry in the upcoming 'Captain America' movie, which will be based on the Civil War story that was introduced for the first time in the comics in 2006.

In fact, it saw Iron Man and Captain America on different sides of a debate on the subject of registering superheroes with the government.

Feige commented, "With Black Panther, he is definitively a big part of 'Civil War,'" adding, "We will meet him for the first time in Civil War in costume."

Marvel's announcement comes in the wake of DC Entertainment revealing its own superhero lineup not long ago at an investors conference of Time Warner.

However, while talking to the media later, Feige said, "We wanted to do this at Comic-Con but things were not set."