Thousand Foot Krutch Announces 'Born This Way' as First Radio Single for 'OXYGEN:INHALE', 'We Were Made to be Who We Are' (VIDEO)

Christian rock band Thousand Foot Krutch is releasing their new album OXYGEN:INHALE's first single to radio on July 22.

The new single, "Born This Way" premiered exclusively on today ahead of the album's August 26 release. The song can be heard here.

"We were made to be who we are, and every one of us is unique," said lead singer Trevor McNevan, "We're wired the way we are for a reason. We were all created equal, and this song is an anthem for everyone who's tired of being someone they're not, or has to dumb down who they are for someone else. Be yourself, you're the best version of you."

TFK recently revealed the cover for the new album on social media.

The cover is a shot of the clouds with a giant outline of an oxygen molecule in the sky. It is a simple, yet stunning cover shot for the band.

"Oxygen is our lifeline," said McNevan, "It's what keeps us alive and breathing. Most of us spend our entire lives taking half breaths when we were created to take full breaths. To live life to its fullest, to treat every day like it might be our last, and treat other people the same way. We can't see it, but we need it. It exists. It fuels everything we are."

The album was completed funded by the fans on PledgeMusic, which the second time the band has done this.

"Yes, we have a new album we are currently recording and want you ALL to be a part of this new phase and new project!" wrote TFK.

The band had no real goal as to what they were looking to raise. Placing the goal at $1.00, it was reached in a matter of seconds and whatever additional money was raised will be used on the album as it is essentially a pre-order. In just two days the album raised over $20,000. They are currently at $130,277.

"Because of the last album being funded, we were able to go in directions not traveled before in radio, press, film, and TV, and even having distribution around the world! Now, to show our support to our friends, you the TFK Army, we are going for it...this time the goal is $1. That's right, ONE DOLLAR!" they wrote, "Why one dollar? Because we are going to do this anyway...for you guys. The difference is that we need your help to take the marketing and promotion to a whole new level. We believe we have the best record brewing from the studio and we just need help to get it out there, because that in itself costs a lot."

The band has special exclusive, "album packaging, apparel, packages and opportunities in this new campaign in order that you, as our fans, will get this one time offer only if you PREORDER it here. AND everyone who purchases a package will get a special code to get 50% OFF at the official TFK online merch store!"

TFK is also offering a free acoustic download of the song "Let the Sparks Fly" to celebrate the campaign. It can be downloaded here.