'Stop Worshiping Me' Says Emery Guitarist to Fans; Bad Christian Podcast Hosts Living Room Tour to Share 'Honest' Conversations About God (DETAILS)

Matt Carter of the band Emery and the Bad Christian Podcast, recently wrote a blog post that discussed his group's living shows and worshiping other things besides God.

"Humans are constantly worshiping. We are made by God to worship God, but most of the time we wind up worshiping other stuff. Can you believe we really are that weak? It shouldn't be a surprise, then, that we often worship people who create things rather than God who is ultimately the source of all things. If we have no belief and thus no awe in 'God', the creator, as worshippers, we'll naturally find someone or something else to bow to," he wrote.

Carter mentioned church leaders as people others like to worship. He mentioned that because they are in a position of power for the Lord and they create organizations and movements, people look up to them more than they should. They become almost like a church "celebrity."

The Emery guitarist also mentioned his first hand experience of "musician worship." He said people "come to you and tell you who they are, what they have done, and what's wrong with them, as if you really had some special power. They tell you how much your music means to them and what it has done for you. It truly is bizarre because months before you were just goofing around with a guitar and trying to finish lyrics on a deadline, and now someone is telling you that you saved their life!"

As a member of the Bad Christian Podcast, which is designed to be open, honest, and transparent on real life issues Christians face, they get the same treatment. BC receives an outpouring of emails of people who feel comfortable baring their innermost souls to three guys they never spoke to before.

Bad Christian
(Photo : Facebook: Bad Christian)

He promises that during their living tour of podcast's people will get to see them just as everyone else, a Bad Christian looking for a great Savior.

"What we hope is that you will NOT put us on the pedestal," he blogged, "And while we will do some talking and play some simple music, we want to point to God instead, who does all the REAL creating in this world. And if you don't believe in God, or in the same God that we do, that will be beneficial to the conversation as well."

Bad Christian wants the people involved with the living shows to feel authentic and know things are not staged. They want to have conversations, listen, and share just like they would on a daily basis.

To read the entire blog post, click here.

The Bad Christian Living Room Tour will be from August 26-31, and take place on the West Coast only. Tickets are $20, and all guests will be treated to a performance by Matt & Toby as well. For further details on the living tour, click here.

For more info on what and who Bad Christian is, click here.