Steam Summer Sale 2016 Start Date Revealed, Game List Predictions And Leak Details

The Steam Summer Sale 2016, if rumors are to be believed, is anticipated to start about a week from now, or more specifically, June 23. But while Valve could not really keep a secret from being leaked, it did manage to contain all predictions about the games list.

Polygon pointed to the Reddit thread started by MrFreemanBBQ, which it said has been right so far in its predictions in the past. In the thread, the poster shared a screenshot announcing that the Steam Summer Sale 2016 will start on June 23 and end until the American Independence Day on July 4th.

In fact, MrFreemanBBQ correctly predicted the Steam Summer Sale by Valve. And that's not the only time that the announcement by the steaming platform was preempted.

"PayPal was responsible for an early date announcement for 2015's Winter Sale. A promotional image shared by the website mentioned the start for the Winter Sale ahead of Valve's confirmation," it said.

However, Valve did manage to prevent rumors about the games list predictions for the Steam Summer Sale 2016, which is a good thing if it's going to keep sales up.

 "Many PC gamers skip over AAA releases during their first six months or so with the hope that they can score the titles at a deep discount during one of the major sales," Game Rant said.

Meanwhile, ahead of the Steam Summer Sale 2016, rumors about the June list for the Playstation Plus: Free Games have surfaced. According to This Gen Gaming, among the games that are reported to be announced anytime soon are the "Resident Evil HD Remaster," "Watch Dogs," "Infamous Second Son," "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture," and "The Evil Within."