Spoken Frontman Matt Baird Explains Family Life While Touring; Says Hearing Sons Worship 'Crushes' Him [INTERVIEW 2]

Matt Baird

Matt Baird, the frontman of Christian rock band Spoken, talked to BREATHEcast about what it's like being a family man while out on the road. He also chatted about his wife's support and loving the way his sons worship. Read on for part two of our interview with Baird, and check out the first installment from yesterday.

Baird speaking about his family was sparked by him sharing that he loves watching his two sons worship. Although his kids will sing along to Spoken or some of his worship songs, Baird said it is truly special when he sees them praising to other people's music. "To hear them singing that in the car, man it crushes you, it's the most amazing thing ever."

Matt Baird
(Photo : Facebook: Matt Baird)

From there, Baird spoke about how God has His hand on his family when he travels. He explained traveling with a family waiting for him at home has similarities to other parenting arrangements, except sometimes it becomes a struggle.

"It's a huge juggle. You know, anything in life, whether it's a person that lives in the city they work in and they spend the evening every night with their family. There's still a balance, there's still a juggle that needs to happen and each family thinks about what way works for them," he shared. "There are so many different characteristics that go on. With us it's sometimes really a challenge to get my kids on the phone when I'm away because it's not the same for them. It's them talking on the phone, it's kind of hard. There are times you don't want the conversation to end. You're listening to this kid, and you're like, 'you're growing up so fast!' You try your best to be as encouraging as possible."

Baird said his wife sends pictures whenever she can, and he will do so as well just so they are kept in the loop of that day's activity. "My wife and I talk a minimum of two hours everyday when I'm on the road. It's not just the end of the day, it's throughout the day, text messages throughout, pictures, and anything I'm doing."

Sometimes the Baird family gets to hit the road together for his acoustic tours. This is something he cherishes greatly and finds the whole experience "amazing" because they get to see what he does and share in the stories he always tells.

"In the same way and my kids get to see these people and get to see how much input they have on me and my family."

The singer knows God keeps his family together through his grace and always provides for them no matter what season of life they are in. "It's never a thing of questioning when God's going to take me off the road, God You know what's going on, You know what You need, You have never failed us, and whatever it is He needs to provide for us, He always does."

Being that dependent on God to provide is something he admits "requires a lot of patience." He also has to be mindful to not let his family take a "backseat" to ministry "because in the end, my family is the most important ministry, making sure my wife and kids are taken care of." It is a daily thing he is constantly reminded of.

"I think my wife is a saint. God gave her to me for a specific reason because she has to put up with so much, it wouldn't work if it wasn't with my wife involved, it truly wouldn't work," he said. "Jesus is the only thing that's going to make a family work."

Matt Baird
(Photo : Facebook: Matt Baird)

Baird is working on a worship album that will be released in 2015. The project can be funded at his Kickstarter account which can be viewed here. He is looking to raise $10,000 and is a little over the half way point with 20 days to go. Watch the trailer for the campaign below:

This is part two of our interview series with Baird. Stay tuned for part three of the interview tomorrow where he discusses how worship touches people in different ways. Read part one here.