Singer Carman Stands up for Joel & Victoria Osteen; Says He Met ‘Every Big Name Preacher and They All Have Flaws’ [VIDEO]

Carman, Victoria & Joel Osteen |

Legendary singer/actor Carman Licciardello stood up to Christians and church leaders who have criticized Pastor Joel Osteen and his wife because of their doctrinal teachings.

In a Facebook post earlier this month Carman was noticeably bothered by the controversy surrounding Osteen and his wife when Victoria was blasted by church leaders because she told her church to "Worship for Yourself." Many believed the statement was implying not to worship for God.

Carman took to social media to tell believers that we should stick together and not tear each other down. "For some reason many credible church leaders are finding the need to dissect Joel Osteen as a speaker and even his credibility as a Christian," the singer wrote on Facebook, "Even going after his wife and dissecting her words by the phrase as if they're prosecutors and she's on a murder trial. Folks this has got to stop. Joel is one of us."

"He is a God ordained bridge between the mainstream world and the church and we really need to protect our bridge," he continued.

Carman went on to say that Osteen's role as a Pastor was not to do alter calls. "He's not an evangelist. Though he does offer prayers for salvation, he doesn't have to in order to fulfill his call," Carman, who is known as an evangelist entertainer, maintained, "We have to see him for everything he is instead of terrorizing him for everything he's not."

After that Facebook post Carman's beloved fans one by one chimed in and shared their contrasting views on the matter. Over 30,000 people told the singer that Osteen's self help messages are doing more harm to the body than good because in their opinions it is not the full gospel.

After reading his fans' responses, Carman felt like he needed to readdress the subject taking into consideration what everyone said.

"I had no idea there was such intense feelings towards Joel Osteen from the Body of Christ," Carman stated, "However I am glad that friends on my site feel comfortable enough to voice an opinion opposite of mine."

The music pioneer spoke of the time he met Osteen. "I only met Joel once in the 80's so I really don't know him. But I can say that after 4 decades in ministry I've met just about every big name preacher and they all have flaws and areas of doctrine that can be easily dissected," he pointed out.

Carman has been in ministry for 38 years and has led million of souls to Christ. He went on to say that 700 people unliked his page because they don't agree with him. They "say I've backslidden, lost my mind, been brainwashed, smokin crack, ect ect.. all over 1 Facebook post they don't agree with," he revealed, "That's how easy people turn on you."

Carman did clarify that he does not look to man, but instead to God only. "I don't agree with 100% of what anybody says and I'm not a "follower" of anyone other than Jesus," he declared.

The New Jersey native went on to advise people to pray for those that they do not agree with rather than devalue them. Saying, "If the sower is off on a doctrinal issue, it can be fixed, re-learned, studied or we can pray them through it. My heart is to see no believers on any level devalued as we fight this good fight."

He ended his long statement by saying, "when a man says he is a Christian, says he loves Jesus, believes the Bible as Gods word, to say he doesn't or isn't, you have to have the ability to judge his heart. And only God can know what's inside a mans heart."

He pointed out that we all have to work out our own salvation in Christ. "Don't forget the outside world will only know that we are Christians by the love we have for "each other," he concluded.

Carman recently recovered from a tough battle with cancer, but did not let that stop his ministry. The singer is currently on tour promoting his recent album release.