Ray Comfort's 'Audacity' Film has Critics Outraged the Topic of Homosexuality is Tackled [VIDEO]

Ray Comfort

Evangelist Ray Comfort has never shied away from addressing controversial subjects like abortion and evolution; his upcoming film 'Audacity' takes on the subject of homosexuality.

Comfort's films are usually documentaries, but 'Audacity' is a scripted film. The passionate minister admits that he initially did not want to address homosexuality.

"I didn't want to do this movie. When different people kept asking for one that addressed homosexuality, I said an adamant 'No!' and I was deadly serious," he told TheBlaze, "It just wasn't going to happen. One of the major reasons for this was that to speak even slightly against homosexuality nowadays is tantamount to being a hate-filled racist."

Comfort is currently raising money in support of the project, raising $120,000 of $175,000 goal. To help support the film and its powerful message click here.

According to livingwaters.com 'Audacity' is about a Christian (Peter) struggling to find his voice as a young believer in a culture that rejects the biblical view of homosexuality. The movie follows him as he learns to lovingly speak the truth to his friends, in spite of their opposing views.

"He's forced into a clash between his most cherished convictions and a most volatile issue," Comfort told TheBlaze.

"'Audacity' doesn't stereotype or vilify gays in the slightest," Comfort assured, "This movie isn't motivated by an ounce of hatred. It's just the opposite. We love gay people, and that's what we believe will be the conclusion of most who see it."

He went on to explain why he was moved into making 'Audacity'. "There is a reality clip woven into the storyline of the movie where I interview two lesbians after I saw them kissing in Huntington Beach, California," Comfort said, "At the conclusion of the interview they enthusiastically said on-camera that they really appreciated how I had spoken with them."

Comforts past project have helped encourage many lives as well as save lives according to his video message promoting his new venture.

"When we produced [pro-life film] '180"² they said we hated women. When 'Evolution Vs. God' came out, we hated science. Neither accusations were true," he went on to say to TheBlaze, "We are now in post-production of a movie that shows how much we love gay people, and they are already saying that I hate gays."

He continued, "These critics hate any thought of God, and they think that if they can vilify me they can vilify the message - when they just confirm it with their hatred."

To find out more about 'Audacity' click here and watch video below: