'Kingdom Hearts 3' Release Date News, Rumors Update: Game Going To Be Delayed Until 2017?

It's a bit disheartening to learn that "Kingdom Hearts 3" may not be released until 2017. It looks like Square Enix will be to busy working on other titles which will come out sooner compared to the collaborative videogame with Disney.

Quinton Flynn, a voice actor in the game, has not even started to record his voice pieces into the game.

"Speaking of Axel, when is the new Kingdom Hearts going into production? Step it up. Quinton needs to pay his bills," he said according to his own Twitter account.

According to News Everyday, Square Enix may be too busy finalizing and promoting the upcoming Final Fantasy game, "Final Fantasy XV."

Also, according to Parent Herald, it might confuse the fans to choose only one between the two titles. As a marketing strategy, it is best to allot a couple of months in between the two games to get the best result in terms of revenue. Releasing both games at the same time might not work since most of the buyers can't afford to buy two games at the same time. Also, some of the buyers might only want to stick with one game until he or she finishes its story mode.

There is no definite date yet for the release of "Kingdom Hearts 3." Final Fantasy XV" will be having their release this year. The game will be available starting September 30. We will keep you update with the recent development of "Kingdom Hearts 3."

"Kingdom Hearts" is a series of role-playing games developed and published by Square Enix. The game is a collaborative effort of Square Enix and Disney Interactive Studios. The game is under the leadership of Mr. Tetsuya Nomura.