'Harry Potter' Rewritten by Christian Mom; Wants Kids to Read About 'Prayer and Miracles' Instead of Turning into 'Witches' [BOOK EXCERPT]

Harry Potter has often been criticized in the Christian community for its promotion of wizardry to children, and when one mom was asked by her children if they could read the famous Harry Potter books she thought of an alternative way to present to them the story. She rewrote Harry Potter with a Christian twist.

Grace Ann Parson has been receiving a lot of flack from the media for re-writing one of the most popular children's books to date, but it has not stopped the brave mother. Grace Ann first took to FanFiction.net to provide for parents a story of Harry Potter that she says, "will not lead your children astray." The mom, who according to her user name is a proud house wife took the famous JK Rowling book series 'Harry Potter' and changed it.

"Hello, friends! My name is Grace Ann. I'm new to this whole fanfiction thing; but recently, I've encountered a problem that I believe this is the solution to," the woman wrote, "My little ones have been asking to read the Harry Potter books; and of course I'm happy for them to be reading; but I don't want them turning into witches! So I thought..... why not make some slight changes so these books are family friendly?"

After posting a few chapters, the woman started receiving messages of support as well as criticism. Before every chapter Grace Ann addressed her readers with a note sometimes explaining to her critics her intentions.

"Hello friends I have been getting so many lovely, thankful message from mommies everywhere; and I just want to say-thank you all for your encouragement!" she noted, "However; I have also been getting several messages saying that my story is bad because Harry Potter is not just about witches."

She went on to explain that the story does contain good themes but it also contains witchcraft and that is why she is writing it.

To read Grace Ann's version of Harry Potter visit FanFiction.net. Below is an excerpt of chapter one:

"Hello, neighbor! I was wondering if you have been saved," Hagrid exclaimed brightly; and tipped his wide-brimmed, straw cowboy hat.

Aunt Petunia laughed a gravelly laugh; and leaned forward on her sturdy, practical boots. "Saved? Don't tell me you are you one of those Christians?"

Harry did not know what that word meant; but Hagrid's smile was the most peaceful smile he had ever seen. It made Harry feel warm and happy inside just seeing the glowing, radiant grin on the kind, friendly stranger's face. He wondered why Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon did not smile like that...

"Yes, I am," Hagrid replied kindly. "Are you?"

Aunt Petunia laughed again; and stuck her pointy, sharp nose up in the air. "We are too smart for that. Haven't you read Dawkins? God is dead! Dawkins proved that. Would you like us to educate you on the Dawkins?"

"What is a Christian?" Harry queried innocently; and scuffed his shoe on the shaggy, yellow carpet which had not been vacuumed in quite some time.

"Christians are people who want to be good," Hagrid explained wisely; and crouched down so he was on eye level with Harry. "We want to go to heaven after we die. Do you know what heaven is, Harry?"

Harry shook his head; and his big eyes were wide and curious.

"Heaven is a beautiful place where we can be with God."