'Duck Dynasty' Alan Robertson Shares on Family, How Duck Commander Started & Being a Part of the New Season 4 (VIDEO)

"Duck Dynasty" will be adding Alan Robertson, the oldest of the brothers to the show for next seas, Season 4. 

Alan shares (in the video above) about his family and him being the only clean shaven one left in the family. He compares his experience to the Munsters and Samford & Sons (since Mama Kay is a hoarder) and got good laughs. 

Alan speaks about his father Phil having a turbulent time in his late teens and 20's and coming to the Lord when he was 28 and things starting to turn around for the better for him and his family. Phil then went on to create a new duck call and that was the beginning of what is now Duck Commander. 

Phil would begin getting asked to speak as his company grew and people would learn about his faith. The family started making hunting videos, which allowed the boys to get comfortable in front of the camera. The videos started to gain popularity and Outdoor channel eventually called and asked to start using them for a show. Their videos eventually became the #1 show on the Outdoor Channel. 

This eventually opened up the door and interest from A&E to start talking to them about a show called, "Duck Dynasty". The family did not think that it would catch on, they were just hunters, but as we know now it became a huge it. 

The success of "Duck Dynasty" has opened up more doors now for the family to share their faith then they could have ever imagined. 

He has watched the doors open up for his family, being able to travel around the country and speak and countless events. His family even hosted the first Annual K-Love Fan Awards for Christian music in Nashville, TN in June. 

Alan will join the Duck Commander team and manage the publicity team. The question is, will he stay beardless or is that part of the new requirement?

He and his wife, Lisa, are currently writing a book on marriage which would definitely get a sales boost after being on the show as well. They have 2 daughters, Anna and Alex, in their 20's, who will both be a part of the show as well. Alex will be opening a food truck in front of the store and Anna works at Duck Commander currently. 

"My children are grown, but all of my brothers' children are teenagers now, so how is this crazy world going to impact them?" Alan said. "We think about John Luke and Sadie, who are such a big part of the show, and they're teenagers, you know? They need to be just normal teenagers. We pray about that."

"Duck Dynasty" has been such a refreshing change on TV with good, clean, fun entertainment that is family friendly and faith based. 

I have been a fan of the show, but it was very insightful to hear Alan share more about the family history and how the show came about. It goes to show again that things don't happen over night. They have been working hard and making videos for many years leading up to this. 

It also is a reminder to stay true to yourself and also that if you keep God first in your life, anything can happen.