'Maleficent' and Disney's Glorification of Evil: Critics Believe Film 'Wants to Mess Us Up'; Favors the 'Demon' (VIDEO)

Disney is getting heat from some media outlets and evangelical Christians about their glorification of evil, in their latest movie "Maleficent".

Many sites that study occult messages have pegged Maleficent, the retelling of Disney's 1959 film "Sleeping Beauty," to the Italian fairy tale called Sun, Moon, and Talia written by Giambattista Basile in 1634. The Italian fairy tale is about rape, envy and death. The name "Maleficent" itself originates from Latin and according to Dictionary.com means wicked, harmful, or prone to evil.

Angelina Jolie played the role of Maleficent and a writer from the Los Angeles Times said that was intentional. "The makers of 'Maleficent' have said they couldn't have made the film without Jolie, and truly, few actresses can match her combination of humanitarian credentials and triumph over personal loss; she's an easy demon to root for," the LATimes reported.

Disney selected to make the villain the main character of the movie. Beliefnet reported,"Disney wants to mess us up. For some reason, they want us to feel bad about the villains. Though the concept is intriguing, the end result is a depressing story."

A very popular site that is known for exposing Hollywood, Vigilant Citizen, said that the multinational studio pushed an evil agenda from the very beginning. "In the trailer, we see Maleficent, dubbed 'the Mistress of All Evil,' placing a curse on baby Aurora. This is a good image to represent what mass media does to the youth," the site said.

(Photo : screen-grab)

Baphomet is the official symbol of the Church of Satan and many have associated the horns that Jolie proudly possesses in the film to be the horns of Baphomet.

"Maleficent actually favors the demon god Baphomet! Baphomet is the horned god. She is known as the mistress of darkness and the beginning of evil in Maleficent; just Satan is known as the prince of darkness" the Christian Post reported.


Many Christians on social media have noted that Disney is apart of the "those" mentioned the scripture in Isaiah 5:20 that states, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil..."

Despite the claims, Maleficent has done really well at the box office bringing in over $170 million to date. View the trailer below: