Boko Haram Leader Abubakar Shekau's Group Killed 6-Year-Old Nigerian Boy Because of His Christian Faith (VIDEO)

In latest news, Abubakar Shekau's terrorist group the Boko Haram continue to murder several people in Nigeria (including a six-year-old boy) because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

According to the Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), the horrible incident occurred in a mostly Christian communities in (Attagara, Gwoza district, Borno State) Nigeria on June 1, where a resident named Sawaltha Wandala witnessed several children being killed by the Islamic terrorist group when he was going to a church's second service that day.

As a result, when Wandala tried to rescue the six-year-old boy in order to take him to a hospital in Cameron (after seeing the child get brutally hacked and thrown into a ditch) by the group, five confrontational soldiers snatched the young child out of his hands and decapitated the child in front of the 55-year-old African man's eyes.

In addition, Wandala was then savagely beaten by the militants with tree branches before being struck in the head with a rock.

In another attack in the same Nigerian city (which took place on July 3), a man named John Yakuba was mutilated by the Boko Haram after they told him the following statement:

"We know you're John," said the Boko Haram to Yakuba, according to the VOM report, "You must convert to Islam or else you will die a painful death."

After Yakuba maintained his Christian faith, he was assaulted in various ways while being tied to a tree, including mutilation to his hands, back, and feet with a machete.

Yakuba said the following to Boko Haram after they told him that "Can you become a Muslim now?"

"You can kill my body, but not my soul," screamed Yakuba to his abusers.

After someone discovered him three days later and took him to a hospital, Yakuba issued the following statement after he awoke from a coma.

"I have forgiven the Islamic militants, because they did not know what they are doing," said Yakuba to VOM. As a result of the two day genocide, at least 200 people were killed by the Boko Haram, as international forces continue to search for the missing school girls previously kidnapped from a predominately Christian school Chibok, Nigeria on April 14.