Benham Brothers Say Satan is Coming After Traditional Marriage

The Benham Brothers in Liberty University

Jason and David Benham, the twin brothers who had a scheduled but canceled do-it-yourself TV program on HGTV due to a controversy over their conservative marriage views, recently stated that Satan is behind all the attacks against Biblical marriage.

When the Benham brothers spoke to American Family Association group last week, they said that Satan attacks on America's three institutions.

"America has systematically removed God from society, starting in the public schools. He's been removed from business, he's been removed from every vestige of society," David said.

David also stated that Satan is coming after "three things (work, Sabbath and marriage) that God set in place before sin entered the world."

Jason Benham also pointed out that God made man and woman "a perfect physical picture of what happens in the spirit. It's the same thing that happens in physical intimacy between a man and a woman, and Satan is a big phony, he's a big counterfeit."

"He's always going to attack sex because the goal of sex is life - it's life in your marriage, it's physical life with children, it's offspring. and the devil is making war against the offspring of the woman, which means that the devil hates life."

The Benham brothers were supposed to star in a reality TV series but it was canceled even before their first episode was released. The HGTV network was protested against for allowing anyone, particularly the twin brothers who opposes same-sex marriage to be featured on TV.

The Benham Brothers have released a book titled "Whatever the Cost" this February which the brothers started writing well before their controversy.

"We started writing the book about two years ago. We had already experienced business success, and a lot of folks were asking us, "Hey, can you write down your business principles and all of those things?" David pointed out.

When the HGTV network came out and wanted to give the Benham brothers a show, they were excited to partner with them.

"But then, no sooner did we pivot the book, they fired us. There was another pivot. And what we learned is that you have to live your faith whatever the cost," David said.