Batman vs Superman Cast Latest News Update: Director Zach Snyder Urges Patience From Irked Fans

Casting for the Man of Steel sequel, tentatively known as the Batman vs. Superman movie, has been anything but smooth as far as PR goes.

Henry Cavill was long understood to reprise his role as superman in the next film, but fans have been up in arms about other casting choices. In fact much of the cast is being seen as questionable to die-hard film fans as well syndicated comic book lovers. Fortunately, Director Zach Snyder has a response to the hailstorm of criticism he's received from potential audiences: just hold on, wait, and see.

The first fan-related uproar came after the announcement of the casting of Ben Affleck as billionaire crime-fighter Bruce Wayne. Based on past cinematic experiences fans had a hard time imagining Ben Affleck as a hard-boiled action hero.

When Israeli actress Gal Gadot was selected to play in the role of Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, fans had a hard time reconciling this development with her previous American film role in the Fast and the Furious franchise. But the kicker came with the casting of Jesse Eisenberg, the boyish star of the social network, as mastermind super-criminal Lex Luthor.

More and more it's possible to see the blowback from these decisions on the online and in popular forums, something of which Zach Snyder claims he is not unaware. According to a recent interview by the LA Times Snyder is "keeping tabs on fanboy 'talk-back'" and finds the input "reassuring and frustrating at the same time."

"Unfortunately, the fans don't know the material. So, we're casting according to what's happening in the script. And we're hoping that leads to enough originality, enough perspective on what we're doing that you get something fresh and exciting. I understand the canon. I'm not crazy," 

So, what can fans do? Apparently just trust that these decisions weren't made randomly and that there is a very specific plan for all of these characters in the next film.

Oh, and also, believe in Jesse Eisenberg's acting ability, which, according to Snyder, is noteworthy:  "I think Jesse is going to be an amazing Lex. Let's not forget he was nominated for an Academy Award. It's not like I just grabbed my friend to play the guy! This guy's the real deal."

Fans will have to simply bide the time until the sequel comes all the way in May 6, 2015, to have a full understanding of the casting choices. Although it may be that no interview will be enough to prevent the outpour of complaining until then.