Woman Suffering From Cancer Told to Have Abortion, Refuses, Puts Faith in God and Gives Birth to Beautiful Healthy Baby Girl

A woman diagnosed with breast cancer living in Durango, Mexico, who was told by doctors to have an abortion, has delivered a healthy baby girl after refusing to terminate her pregnancy, instead deciding to pray and trust in God.

"When I learned I was pregnant, I felt one of the most beautiful emotions a human being can feel," said Dulce Rangel to local newspaper Publimetroon. "Days after, I came to know through an ultrasound that I had second-degree breast cancer, which is very aggressive, and the doctors recommended that I have an abortion."

However, despite the devastating diagnosis and bleak outlook, she decided to ignore advice to abort her baby, saying, "Not once did I think I would die, nor my baby."

Rangel explained what gave her courage to persevere during her difficult time, which also included being fired when her bosses discovered her pregnancy.

"When they did the first chemotherapy I was very scared, because I didn't know if my baby would tolerate it," said Rangel. "That's when I decided to leave everything to God and realized I was only an instrument for bringing this little angel to the world."

She also explained what she said to her unborn daughter each time she had chemotherapy treatment.

"This is not for you. Don't take any of this," said Rangel to her then unborn baby.

After fighting through intense chemotherapy, Rangel went on to give birth to her daughter, Jimena, by C-section last month. She also had an effective mastectomy procedure recently allowing the tumor to be rumored.

Dr. Luis Banuelos was Rangel's physician during the pregnancy, he also revealed the current status of the newborn baby.  

"There are no apparent congenital malformations...She's a healthy baby," said Dr. Banuelos.

Rangel has no regrets with her decisions to ignore doctors' advice and shun an abortion. She is currently at home with little Jimena, loving every moment of parenthood.

"I know I made the right decision," said Rangel. "When I look into her eyes and she smiles I feel the world spinning. If life gives me another opportunity, I will have another baby... I think nobody can or should decide on the life of another person."