'It Takes a Family' Conference 2013 Held in San Diego, Young Americans Meet to Discuss Strengthening Traditional Marriage


'It Takes a Family' Conference Held in San Diego, Young Americans Meet to Discuss Strengthening Traditional Marriage 


The role of traditional marriage has been on a bumpy ride lately. During the campaign season of 2012, President Obama publicly endorsed homosexuality as a legitimate relationship for marriage. Then, in June of 2013 the Supreme Court issued it's ruling that same sex relationships should be afforded all the rights and privileges of traditional marriages.

Since the President has voiced his approval for same sex relationships and made it a major part of his Party's platform, and the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of same sex relationships, those supporting traditional marriage have been deeply concerned about the future relationship of the American family as we have known it. 

There are many Americans who still believe that the Biblical definition of marriage--a meaningful and intimate relationship between a man and a woman where each is committed to the other--is the standard we should accept and support in America. Those who hold to such a view believe that traditional marriage is the bedrock for a healthy and secure society; that traditional marriage is the glue that holds our families, communities, and nation together.

Recently, a number of young Americans met in San Diego to discuss ways in which the traditional understanding of marriage can be encouraged, supported, and promoted. These young millennials traveled to San Diego to attend the It Takes A Family (ITAF) conference to learn how to defend and promote one-man, one-woman marriage to their generation. Recent surveys show that 70% of young millennials support same sex marriage. They do not want our society to have all the discussion of traditional marriage stifled. Many realize that healthy debate on this subject is needed--not silence.

These young people who met at the ITAF conference spent hours listening to experts in family relationships and sharing with one another their stories of heartache and challenge. Many of them have personally gotten involved in community activites and political organizations hoping to make a difference.

While some have experienced pain and rejection, as they have tried to stand for the value of tradtional marriage, they remain strongly committed to persevere and remain courageous in their activity of upholding the dignity of one-man, one-woman marriage. They believe strongly that if the pervading values of the present culture are going to be changed, it will take committed individuals who are willing to stand up for their convictions.